Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Naptime with Tarzan
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
6 MONTHS old!!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Graduation to the big tub!
Nap time
Teeth, more teeth, some funny pictures, and some sitting...
He was making this weird face...and then he would stop, look at us, and start cracking was too funny!
Caleb is beginning to master sitting up...though he still falls a lot and gets pretty devastated! In fact just moments after this picture he fell backwards trying to look at Nathan behind him, and bumped his head on the computer mouse on the floor. That incident mixed with being late at night...well we decided sitting practice would end for the day.
We WERE going to go to the Pumpkin Patch...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Alpine Loop trip
We threw Caleb in the bushes...litterally, and had some fun taking photos of him. He had a blast with it, and loved looking at all the leaves and sticks. Also, notice how well he is sitting! He sat here for about 10 minutes all by himself, we only had to re-position him maybe once!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Caleb has 2 Teeth!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Caleb (probably the main reason everyone is checking this site) is getting bigger and smarter every day! He is always amazing us!
Caleb has recently learned how to grab and hold onto things that he wants....his bottle is by far his favorite item to grap for! He has also learned to pull my hair and and earings.
These pictures were after eating some yummy sweet potatoes a few days ago. Caleb LOVED them!
Such a MESS!!
Caleb is also working on sitting up. He can currently sit un-assisted for about 1 minute, and then he begins to fold over as this picture shows. He has toppled over a few times, and bumped his head, but he keeps wanting to try!
We wonder who Caleb will follow after when it comes to walking. He can already stand for a LONG time so long as he is holding on to something. His little legs are super strong!
Bath time is for sure a favorite for Caleb! I think he would spend all day in the tub if I let him. He has so much fun kicking and splashing! He squeals when its time to get out!
I think he is trying to figure out how to get ahold of the faucet in this picture... he always reaches for it during baths!
Such cute toes!
So cute all wrapped up in his bath towels! Too bad we will soon have to use real towels...he is getting TOO big to wrap the towels around him!
Almost all the cousins (Missing Cody) on our visit up to Washington over Labor Day Weekend.
Sitting in his Bumbo chair ready for something yummy to eat. :)
Sitting in his swing, looking like such a BIG boy!
New Pajamas for the winter! They aren't as thick as I thought they were... but still cute!
We got our first snow the last week of September, (EARLY!!) so naturally we had to take Caleb out to experience it! He wasn't quite sure of what was going on, becasue he has only been in rain once or twice before. After being outside a few minutes he started opening his mouth and trying to eat the snowflakes just like Daddy!