We spent Thanksgiving here in Provo this year. We were blessed to have Tessi and her friend here with us so we weren't alone. We missed being with everyone, but have so much to be thankful for here. Here are a few pics from the day... some reason they posted backwards to how I wanted them to post.
After dinner relaxing on the couch

Caleb enjoyed his mashed potatoes

Our visitors. Tessi and her friend Teresa.

Nathan being an excellent carver. He watched a tutorial on how to carve a turkey so I made sure he put his knowledge to use. :)

Our pretty dinner, minus the stuffing which was either still in the turkey or in the oven at this point.

I love this time of year that we are so blessed to be able to spend time with family and friends and to reflect on all the wonderful things in our lives. I am so thankful for so many things. Here is a short list of a few things I am especially thankful for this year.
My Family
Both here in Provo and in all the other states we are spread throughout. I have the most amazing husband who works so hard and is such a great father. I am so thankful we are married for eternity and that we will be together forever, he is the best! My adorable children who remind me every day of how I can be better and more Christ like. I am so thankful I am able to be a mom and watch my children learn and grow! My parents who are so supportive and loving and have been such an amazing examples for me growing up and now. My sisters who have always been there for me and show me so much love! My in-laws who care so much about us and show us so much love and support. I love you all and am so glad I have each and every family member in my life!
The Gospel
I have reflected a lot lately on where I would be without the gospel and it isn't a pretty place. I am so thankful I have the knowledge of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father and their plan for me here and in the eternities. I have so much more to learn but I am so thankful I am able to attend church each Sunday and go to the temple to worship and learn more.
I am thankful Nathan can be in school right now, and even more thankful he will graduate in April. Being here at BYU has been an awesome experience. I am also thankful that his schooling has lead to a great job back in Seattle next year! I am also thankful I was able to go to school for a few semesters this year. I love learning and really enjoyed taking classes to expand my knowledge.
This one is kinda 2- fold... I am so thankful for the vehicles we have. I can't imagine not having a car to get around in. The other half of it is the movie Cars. It is Caleb's favorite and gives me a few minutes of sanity when he watches it! :)
Hallie's birth etc...
I am so thankful for the amazing experience of giving birth to Hallie and all the wonderfulness that has come since. I feel so blessed that I was able to have her the way I wanted, and that everything else is working out the same.
There are so many other things I am thankful for that I don't have time to list on here, but I am so thankful I am able to reflect on all these things this time of year.
Happy late Thanksgiving everyone!