Here was the not so happy about wearing this hat birthday boy.
Caleb thinking he was going to get in on some bottle from his friend Jeanette at the party. Yeah right kiddo you haven't had one of those in a few months now!
Nathan's grandparents came up from Renton to celebrate with us!
Joyce, Jeanette, Aunt Mercedes, Grandma Sudene and Grandpa Tom relaxing.
Grandma Penny giving driving lessons.
Onos and Kayette also came up from Auburn to celebrate Caleb's big day!
Starting to get into the duck cake.
He was a little cautious at first.
Caleb made sure we all applauded him after every kiss he gave the ducky.
Once he tasted the frosting it was over...he dove right in!
Then he disected the poor thing... It was too funny to watch him progress from barely touching the cake to making this mess!
Hi everyone look at messy me!
Playing with his bud Jeanette after his bath from eating cake.
Opening presents. One of Caleb'e favortie things is books and he got lots of new ones to last us the summer!
Playing alphabet games on the fridge.
Sharing...or taking the music making part from Jeanette.
Thank you everyone for coming to and making Caleb's party a blast! We will cherish the memories forever! It was great to celebrate Caleb's first birthday with family and friends! We can't believe we have already shared one amazing year with him!