First off let me say sorry... we took TONS of pictures today and it's so hard to pick which ones to put up on there are a lot! We had such a fun day going to the Woodland Park Zoo with family today. We spent the whole day at the Zoo from 10am til 6pm tonight! It was lots of fun and Caleb loved seeing all the animals that he was awake for!
Of course ducks are still one of his favorite creatures, so he wasn't disappointed to start the day off by looking at these cute little guys!

We watched people feed the giraffes. This one wasn't interested in the food being offered but wanted the trees instead. he got pretty close to us and grabbed Caleb's attention!

I guess these little huts are what they use in Africa to store their grains so the animals can't get in them. They didn't keep these animals out though! Sorry Jordan for making you get in!

Music is so much fun! Daddy, Caleb, Lauren, and Aunt Angi making some fun music with the drums. Caleb got quite upset leaving these...We will have to find him some drums of his own sometime!

Caleb and Lauren rocking out.

The penny collector that swirls the penny's into a whole that gives to the zoo was fun for all the kids! Thanks grandpa for getting penny's for us all to enjoy this little toy!

The petting part of the zoo was fun. Caleb enjoyed these goats a lot. he kept calling them dogs...which we later figured out was just about anything that crawled and had 4 legs to him.

Caleb pet the bunny and it jumped and scared him so he wouldn't touch it again, but it was cute when he did touch it!

Caleb likes pigs...

So much that he wants to try and get in with them!

The tractor in the domestic animal section.

Caleb loves driving already! Watch out in 15 years!!

The pretty pink flamingos!

Taking a snack break. Caleb getting into an apple. Before this he had never eaten an apple whole, but it looks like he likes it!

He carried it with him in his stroller for about 10 minutes after we left our lunch site, and then decided it was a better ball and threw it on the ground!

Orangutans and Chimpanzees! Caleb loves monkeys and they were right at the window for him to look at!

He just stared at them for the longest time!

We took this same family pose at the zoo about 10 years ago so we decided we needed a more recent shot of it! We are all a lot bigger now, so we take up most of the vines, but it was still fun! Too bad everyone else from the original picture couldn't have been in it! We will have to photoshop you all in...Get your zoo clothes on!

River otters!! Caleb's favorite at the zoo for sure!!

They kept swimming in front of him an he would get all excited! I think it annoyed him a bit though that they would swim by so fast he could only look at them for a few seconds at a time!

Just as we were getting ready to go one stopped and looked at Caleb for a few seconds. It was so cute to see Caleb just stare at this little guy!

We has tons of fun at the zoo today! The weather was perfect right around 75! We can't wait to go back again next summer and see the penguin exhibit! Thanks everyone who went for such a fun day!