We had a fabulous Thanksgiving this year as usual! We were so happy to have Tessi from Rexburg and Jenn and Tim from Provo with us! The yummy turkey..which when cut into was still...RAW...dang it. We cooked it a little more in the oven and it fixed that problem! :)

Hallie LOVES sucking on frozen juice containers...so that's how she helped with Thanksgiving dinner!

Tessi and I making oreo truffles...YUM!

We were posing for a picture of making the truffles and then decided that was pretty so we started laughing and this picture got taken. We had lots of fun working together!

Tim was great help entertaining Caleb as usual. I think they might be best friends! (at least Caleb thinks so :)

Jenn getting her yummy recipes for her dishes! She did tons and it was so good to spend the day with her and have her help!

Caleb loves having us take pictures of him...I think this one turned out kinda cute.

And this one too! :)

Hallie loves her baby doll so she spent the day taking care of it.

The yummy spread of food! It was so good!

We are so thankful for all that we have and the time we were able to spend together this Thanksgiving!
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