Caleb has a new best friend... The Praying Mantis that has been living in our slide/playhouse for the last 3 weeks.
He REALLY likes these things. Every morning Caleb runs outside to greet his praying mantis to say good morning and tell him he's so happy he's still there. One morning there were two praying mantis's...Caleb was thrilled! He held them both and talked to them for hours. Later on we went outside to "check" on his friends and found one of them eating the other! Caleb freaked out...broke down crying and was so upset. He kept saying "my praying mantis friend is being eaten by my other praying mantis friend." It was so sad to see him upset about this event so I gave him a straw and told him to go break up the fight. Caleb immediately went to work pushing the one away and making sure the other was ok. He made sure to tell the one that it wasn't nice to eat our friends and that he should be nice! Hah...Later we found out from some friends that females eat their mates after mating...oops. A few days later I found some hopefully we didn't ruin the process too much!

Eww...I can't believe he lets it crawl like this on him. Caleb say's it tickles and that his friend is talking to him when he is on his shoulder.
As a result of this insane love for Praying Mantis's Caleb has now decided what he will be for Halloween and has bugged me daily about making his costume...stay tuned for pictures of that b/c I'm sure it will be made before Halloween if he stays this persistent.
P.s. If anyone knows of a store-made praying mantis costume please let me know I can't find one anywhere!
P.s. If anyone knows of a store-made praying mantis costume please let me know I can't find one anywhere!
lol oh my gosh that is hilarious. That boy sure is facinated by bugs.
oh myyyyyy.
that is sick but cute. your boy is seriously a cutie.
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