Tarzan, Jane, and Monkey!
Pictures from the ward party on the Sat. before Halloween.....I can't believe I look like this...UGH!...oh well it was fun!

Handing candy out at the trunk or treat....it was fun, except we bought WAY too much candy for the number of kids in our ward....and the 2 people that came to our door on Halloween night!

On Halloween night, there was a trick or treat put on by Helaman Halls, so we took Caleb there to let him do a little trick or treating. (is that bad because it was totally for our pleasure in every way possible...??) He was SUPER cute for the girl's hall we visited. He smiled and babbled at EVERY door! He even picked his candy from the bowl at a few doors. He just reached in a grabbed it....I didn't get that on camera though unfortunately! :( The boy's hall was a different story though. He didn't smile at ANY of them, and he started getting a little cranky. I think he was getting a little warm in his costume, AND he was tired! It was a fun adventure though and everyone who saw him said he was just too cute!

When we got home we decided he should be able to look at and play with all his candy, so we laid it out on the floor for him and let him have at it....he knew EXACTLY where candy went..ha ha maybe he's seen us eating too much of it lately!

He examined almost every piece he got, and left his mark (slobber/snot) on it. :)

I think he noticed we stole a few pieces, so he is trying to hide this one. He was pretty determined to get it under the pillow...

After all the taste testing of the wrappers, Reese's was for sure his favorite...he wouldn't put it down. Basically he made this Reese's inedible for anyone but him, but he will have a to wait a little while to enjoy it himself!

Fun pictures. You guys sure make a cute Tarzan, Jane and monkey! Way to go on the costumes Krystal, we need to hang out soon.
I am tagging YOU! See my blog for details... Glad you had such a fun time in Cali!
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