Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pumpkin patch...well kinda

So, we went to this pumpkin patch/garden center on Halloween with some friends from the ward....well the pumpkin patch wasn't much, but the pictures that came from the visit are pretty cute! Caleb is working on getting over his first REAL cold, so forgive me if I was a bad mom and missed a few runny noses in these pictures. :)Caleb thought the pumpkins were pretty cool, he kept feeling, and smiling at them.
But he couldn't figure out why I kept taking pictures of him with them.
Looks like he's giving this one a hug.

I think in this one he is thinking....hmm..I wonder if I can eat this...??
Caleb LOVES big kids! Whenver he is around them he just stares and laughs at them...its pretty funny...Stare HARDHe tried to eat the stem of this one...I think after a little taste he realized it wasn't something super appetizing!

More cute smiles!

Sitting in the wagon they had for picking up the pumpkins....he was more interested in his shadow though at this point. There was a weird covering on the building this was in, hence the reason all these pics have interesting shadow lines on them.

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